By Katie Mcquaid – The Scene – New Hampshire Union Leader
Thank you to The Moore Center’s Rising Stars social group for inviting me to judge the Dancing With the Rising Stars talent show last week.
The joy in the room is palpable when this group gets together.
These amazing adults, living with developmental and intellectual disabilities and brain injuries, put everything they had into their Salute to Disney-themed performances. Some danced in wheelchairs; one danced without the ability to even hear the music. All dancers were incredibly supportive of each other and rightfully proud of their performances.
After growing out of its former space, the event was held for the first time ever at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Hooksett. Church Pastor Eric Davis’ 24-year-old daughter, Kiersten, is a member of the group.
My co-judge Mayor Ted Gatsas had official proclamations for all the performers, and WMUR’s Sean McDonald kept the show moving by cracking jokes with co-emcee Pat B., Rising Stars senator of public relations.
Money raised by the Rising Stars will be used for a trip to Canobie Lake Park for the entire club.
– See more in Katie’s column at: Union Leader – Scene in Manchester
Watch the show, thanks to Manchester Public Television – Channel 16:
6/1/16 Dancing with the Rising Stars from MPTS - Channel 16 on Vimeo.