The human services field has no shortage of acronyms. To help you, your family, or your advocate tune in and communicate more clearly with the human services professionals serving you, we’ve developed this list of acronyms and the terms they represent.
General Terms
ADA: American’s with Disabilities Act
ADL: Activities of Daily Living
AFC: Adult Foster Care
ARC: Formerly Association for Retarded Citizen’s, now used as The Arc
ASD: Autism Spectrum Disorder
BDS: Bureau of Developmental Services
BEAS: Bureau of Elderly & Adult Services
BID: twice a day
BSMS: Bureau of Special Medical Services
C-3: Client Centered Conference
CHINS: Child In Need of Services
CLASP: Center for Law & Social Policy
CM: Case Management now called Service Coordination
CSNI: Community Service Network, Inc.
DCYF: Division of Children, Youth and Families
DDC: Developmental Disabilities Council
DD/ DDMH: Developmental Disabilities/Developmental Disabilities Mental Health
DNR: Do Not Resituate
DRC: Disabilities Rights Center
EFC: Enhanced Family Care
ESS: Early Supports and Services
FCESS: Family Centered Early Supports and Services
GMASA: Greater Manchester Association of Service Agencies
GMMHC: Greater Manchester Mental Health Center
HCFA: Health Care Financing Administration
HCBC: Home & Community Based Care
HCBC-CFI: Home & Community Based Care Choices for Independence
HUD: Housing & Urban Development
IEP: Individual Education Plan
IOD: Institute on Disabilities
I & R: Information & Referral
ISO: Individual Service Option
ISP: Individual Service Plan
IWRP: Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan
JSO/JSA: Juvenile Service’s Officer/JS Assistant
LDA: Learning Disabilities Association
MH: Mental Health
MICE: Multi-sensory Intervention, Consultation and Education
MOAB: Management of Aggressive Behaviors
NORD: National Organization on Rare Disorders
PASARR: Pre Admission Screening and Annual Resident Review
PIC: Parent Information Center
PODS: Parent’s of Down Syndrome, a support group
PTAN: Preschool Technical Assistance Network
Respite: A time away for parents and caregivers
Respitality: A hotel stay for parents
VCS: Vocational Community Services
VR: Vocational Rehabilitation
YDC: Youth Development Center
School-Related Terms
ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis
ABD: Acquired Brain Disorder Achievement Testing: level of accomplishment /grade level measurement
ADD: Attention Deficit Disorder
ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ATEC: Assistive Technology, Evaluation & Consultation Services
CI: Cognitive Impairment Cognitive Testing: usually IQ testing / measures thought process
DOE: Department of Education
EH: Emotionally Handicapped
EIP: Early Intervention Program
ESY: Extended School Year
EYP: Extended Year Program
IEP: Individual Education Program
IQ: Intelligence Quotient
LD: Learning Disability
LEA: Local Education Authority
OT: Occupational Therapy
PDD: Pervasive Developmental Disorder Projective Testing: measures emotional state
PT: Physical Therapy
PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
SAU: School Administration Unit
SI: Sensory Integration
SPEDIS: Special Education Identification System
SPL: Speech and Language Tactile Defensiveness
WAIS: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
WISC-R: Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Revised
WPPSI: Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence
Benefits – Related Acronyms
APTD: Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled, starts at the 18 birthday and can have a monthly cash benefit based on adult’s income
ANB: Aid to the Needy Blind
CCW: Community Care Waiver
CHAP: Child Health Assurance Program from birth until age 21, provides extra services such as home health aides, nursing, extra therapies, school services, etc.
CSD MEDICAID: Children with Severe Disabilities, Medicaid for children whose disability isn’t as severe as HC-CSD where some parental income counts
DDS: Disability Determination Services who make the decisions for SSI and SSDI
DHHS: Department of Health and Human Services
EBT: Electronic Benefits Transfer card is like an ATM card that replaces checks from HHS (Health & Human Services)
FAP: Family Assistance Program replaces AFDC, aid to families with dependant children
HC-CSD MEDICAID: Home Care Children with Severe Disabilities (also known as Katie Beckett), a way to get Medicaid for someone under 19 without parents’ income counting – only the child’s income and resources count toward eligibility
HCBC/DD: Home & Community Based Care/Developmental disabilities
HCBC/EC: Home & Community Based Care / Elderly Care
HKG: Healthy Kids Gold, Medicaid
HKS: Healthy Kids Silver, Insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield) based on parents income
HMO: Health Management Organization
ICF/MR: Intermediate Care Facility/ for the Mental Retarded
IRWE: Impairment Related Work Expenses
NHEP: New Hampshire Employment Program
OAA: Old Age Assistance
QMB: Qualified Medicare Beneficiary
SGA: Substantial Gainful Activity (work)
SLMB: Specified Low Income Beneficiary
SON: Standard of Need
SSI: Supplemental Security Income
SSDI: Social Security Disability Insurance
SSA: Social Security Administration
TANF: Temporary Aide to Needy Families (Replaces AFDC Aide to Families with Dependent children)
Legislative Terms
ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis
AMA: against Medical Advice
CCW: Community Care Waiver
CASA: court appointed special advocate
MCAC: Medical Care Advisory Committee.