Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS)

Conflict of Interest Corrective Action Plan

If you or your loved one are approved for services under the HCBS DD, I.H.S, or ABD waiver, you have the right to choose a conflict-free service coordinator (also called a case manager). This means that the service coordinator cannot work for the same agency that provides waivered services, including day, employment, and residential services. 

For example, if you choose The Moore Center for day program, employment services, residential services, etc., then you must select a different organization for service coordination. Likewise, if you choose The Moore Center for service coordination, then you must choose a different provider for day program, employment services, residential services, etc. 

Choosing a Provider

The Medicaid HCBS 1915(c) waiver, also known as the Medicaid LTSS HCBS-DD waiver, is designed to help people who are Medicaid-eligible and who need Long Term Supports and Services (LTSS) to receive support in the community. Upon funding allocation, services may be available to individuals who have been approved for the Medicaid waiver. In accordance with He-M 503.08, you have the right to choose a conflict-free service coordinator and other service providing entities.

For more information about conflict-free service coordination please go to:

BDS Information and Services Info

For a complete listing of service providers, visit:

Provider List by Service

Also, BDS has posted short videos on their site to help families understand changes. 

Watch BDS Informational Videos