Looking Into the Future for a Child With Autism
“In the end, success won’t be measured by academic performance or job placement. It will have more to do with accumulating small pleasures and filling your life with those.”
“In the end, success won’t be measured by academic performance or job placement. It will have more to do with accumulating small pleasures and filling your life with those.”
Eric Zimmerman founded The Buddy Project, an organization that provides technology and training to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities. He came to The Manchester Area Autism Support Group’s most recent meeting and spoke about his life and journey with autism.
A father describes the great efforts he must go through to ensure his son has access to quality of services once he turns 21 and ages out of the education system.
Kudos to Market Basket for hiring teens with autism! As someone with over 10 years experience in the behavioral and human services field, I was pretty surprised when the young man bagging my groceries said, “”People at school can be like, ‘Oh he’s so weird, that kid is so weird’, but…
“We’d like to see the money we raise stay local and help the agencies that help our kiddos.” -Carole Donovan, M.Ed., Preschool Special Education Teacher
Luis and his son Huillo, who has autism, went to a concert of Huillo’s favorite band, Coldplay. During one of their songs, Huillo became very emotional. A beautiful moment between father and son followed.
We would like to thank Spencer and Mitchel Timme for letting us have a peak into their brotherly love!
A new study published in Nature Genetics journal shows that the genetic risk that is associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder is a genetic risk that is present even in those of us who are not on the spectrum.
For many children with physical and/or developmental disabilities, trying to fit in with peers can be difficult. By being proactive when possible, we can help mitigate the stares, whispers and often not cruel-intentioned but hurtful comments.
As parents or caretakers of someone with autism, you try to hard to create opportunities for a good life for your loved one. It is so heartwarming and refreshing when someone else also creates those opportunities.