To our Moore Center Community

Change is everywhere we look, and that’s true for all of us here at The Moore Center. Sometimes that change can shape our personal lives or our work lives, or in my case, the perfect combination of both. And so, I would like to give you a brief update on my evolving retirement plans and touch upon how these plans will impact The Moore Center community. 

The bottom line is that my plans are unfolding pretty much as planned and I’m extremely confident that the person who will be chosen to lead our organization in the future will continue its course of positivity and innovation, with a heightened focus on our clients and families and our employees who turn what we believe into hopeful and compassionate actions that create opportunities for good lives. 

Almost 50 years ago, I began as a social worker at Easterseals New Hampshire and worked there for 25 years, enjoying an ever-evolving and rewarding career. That role helped me to transition into the President and CEO role here at The Moore Center, almost 24 years ago. Of course, as all these years added up, my personal life also evolved instep as I watched my three kids grow into wonderful adults, with two of my four grandchildren now young adults, themselves. 

For the past four years, I have worked closely with our Board of Directors to plan and prepare for my eventual retirement, and as some of you may know, that day is edging closer. You need to understand the plans for this. 

The original planned date for my retirement was set to be at the end of March, 2021 and so several months ago a Board Search Committee was convened and a plan to begin the search was set in motion. Because of the COVID-19 crisis, understandably, the Search Committee had to delay its work for a short period of time but more recently, and for the past few months, has been fully engaged and are now making great progress on the search process. Because of the short delay, I naturally agreed to be flexible about my timetable as needed. You should wait to hear from the Committee itself, as to any input staff and other constituencies will have in this process.

As always, thanks for all you do for the Moore Center, and please continue to be safe and look out for one another.


Paul S. Boynton
President & CEO