We look forward to celebrating with you at our 20th Annual Garden Party next Thursday, September 16th from 4 to 6:30 pm on the grounds of the Brady Sullivan Tower, 1750 Elm Street.
Refreshments and networking begin at 4 pm; program will begin promptly at 4:45 pm.
As we continue to closely monitor the current situation in our community, we are committed to supporting everyone’s safety and well-being at this outdoor event. After consulting with DHHS and state experts, we are pleased to be able to hold this event following all CDC-recommended guidelines.
The Moore Center serves a variety of individuals, including many who are medically-vulnerable. We are delighted to welcome you as we observe the following guidelines:
· Only fully-vaccinated guests may attend.
· Guests will be asked to wear masks, except when eating or drinking. Masks will be available if needed.
· Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the venue.
· Social-distancing is highly encouraged.
. We are forgoing traditional nametags/registration tables this year, however we’ll have several spaced out stations of sanitized pens and adhesive badges available (or you may choose to come wearing your own).
A reminder that if you are not feeling well on the day of the event or are experiencing any symptoms related to Covid-19, we ask that you please do not attend.
For more information about our 20th Annual Garden Party, please contact Ellen Roposa at 603.206.2722, el**********@mo*********.org or Brenda Aziz at 603.206.2723, br*********@mo*********.org.
We look forward to seeing you there!