Below is the information regarding times and locations. Three public budget hearings have been scheduled: March 6 in Derry and Plymouth, and March 13 in Concord and we need people to attend! 

  • March 6 Plymouth State University at 5:30 (Silver Center for the Arts)
  • March 6 at the Derry Town Hall, 14 Manning St, Derry,  at 4:30 pm (2nd floor).
  • March 13 in Concord, in Representative’s Hall in the State House, from 3:00 – 5:00 and 6:00 until everyone has been heard.

Please attempt to attend one of the hearings. It is very important that we make a good showing so legislators understand the impact of fully funding the budget for services for our family members and fellow citizens.

This is the time to share why you depend on services. A template for testifying is below. Testimony should be under one minute and the more people who testify, the more powerful the message.

Want to attend but not testify? Attending and signing in is also important!

Can’t attend but still want your voice heard? Email your written testimony to Ba************@mo*********.org and we will make 24 copies of it and bring them to Concord for you.

Questions? Email or call Barbara Didona (206-2832).

Thank you for your continued participation in the budget and legislative process – it makes a world of difference for the people being supported statewide.

How to Testify (It’s Easier Than You Think)

TESTIMONY TO BE READ AT HEARING: (keep to 30-45 seconds)

Dear Chairman Kurk and Members of the Finance Committee,

Good afternoon, my name is XXX and I live in Town, NH. I am here to ask you to fully fund the Developmental Services budget. My son/daughter is supported by The Moore Center through XXX [Early supports and services, In Home Supports Waiver, Family Support, DD waiver, ABD waiver] and if we are not fully funded, XXX might happen. [Loss of job, home, social supports etc.]
Please do the right thing and support my son/daughter by supporting Developmental Services.

Thank you,

WRITTEN TESTIMONY TO BE EMAILED TO Ba************@mo*********.org
(If printing your own please bring 24 copies)

Dear Chairman Kurk and Members of the Finance Committee,

Good afternoon, my name is XXX and I live in Town, NH. I am here to ask you to fully fund the Developmental Services budget. My son/daughter is supported by The Moore Center through XXX [Early supports and services, In Home Supports Waiver, Family Support, DD waiver, ABD waiver].

I want to tell you a bit about my child (family member, friend, etc.)…[Share detailed information about your child]

Given that (what you have just described above), if you do not fully fund the developmental services budget request XXX will happen…

Please do your part and fully fund Developmental Services. Thank you.

Email Address
Phone Number