By: Pat B.

On January 7th Rising Stars met at McGregor Street – in the Boardroom to see a movie. We saw “Alvin and the Chipmunks”. Everyone seemed to enjoy the movie and there was lots of laughing. My favorite part was when Dave yelled “ALVIN!” whenever Alvin was getting into trouble. Then the next week, on 1/14, we had another group activity. We all met at Lakeside Lanes for bowling. We had a very good time and those I spoke to said they would like to do this activity again. There was lots of laughing and talking going on.  There were four or five people on each lane – some got spares and strikes, but none for me; maybe next time! Everyone who worked at Lakeside Lanes that Wednesday were friendly and accommodating – I would like to thank them for helping to make our time there go so smoothly, it was a fun time!  On 1/21 we will be able to participate in a self-defense class – I will write about this in my next story. I just learned that our trip to the “Great Buffet” (on South Willow Street) that was planned for 1/28 will now be on Wednesday 2/4 because of the big storm coming. Everyone take care and be safe!