Members First Credit Union Food Drive

Members First hosted a food drive in March to benefit The Moore Center and their members were very generous! Last week they visited The Moore Center to make the delivery. 

Many families will be helped by their effort, and we sincerely appreciate them highlighting the work of The Moore Center throughout the month of March. 

Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS) Conflict of Interest Corrective Action Plan

If you or your loved one are approved for services under the HCBS DD, I.H.S, or ABD waiver, you have the right to choose a conflict-free service coordinator (also called a case manager). This means that the service coordinator cannot work for the same agency that provides waivered services, including day, employment, and residential services. 

Now Hiring - We'll Train You To Become a Direct Support Professional!

GirlSmiling-1-sliderWant to make a difference in someone’s life while making a difference in yours too? Become a Direct Support Professional (also called a Life Skills Coach.)

A Direct Support Professional (DSP) is a coach, mentor and teacher. They help individuals with intellectual disabilities, like autism & Down syndrome, develop the skills needed to integrate into the community and pursue opportunities for employment, improving their overall quality of life. 

Important Client Rights Reporting Information

As you know, understanding and supporting every client’s rights is everyone’s responsibility, and one that we take very seriously. It has come to our attention that there are currently issues with the BDS complaint call line, making it difficult to get through.

If you’re finding that you cannot get through, please send the complaint information directly to Erica Ross-Skianes, either by email Er******************@dh**.gov or phone (603-271-5129).

Family-Centered Early Supports & Services

Now available through Telehealth, using either phone or video conferencing.

Concerned about how your child is talking, moving, or behaving? Wondering if your child is meeting their developmental milestones? We Can Help! 

Early intervention is CRITICAL for these children, and beginning early enhances the chances for a more positive result. If you feel that your infant or toddler (aged birth through two) may have developmental issues, you can request a free evaluation.

Conflict-Free Case Management

If you have a family member who receives services through the Developmental Service System of Area Agencies you may have you heard about the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) that NH is under, related to the Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waivers through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS).

The three 1915 (c) waivers affected by this CAP are Developmental Services, Acquired Brain Disorder, and Children’s In-Home Services.

The compliance issues addressed in the CAP focus on conflict of interest between case management and direct service delivery; and compliance with Medicaid billing rules, which allow providers to bill directly to the State.

Check Out Our Career Opportunities!

Learn More About Us

The Moore Center is an award-winning leader recognized for providing high quality, cost-effective services to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities and acquired brain injuries, as well as children and senior citizens. Read more…

Who We Serve

We offer services across all age groups, from children through seniors. We work with a network of service providers to ensure that the needs of our clients are met, all focused on our mission of Creating Opportunities for a Good Life!  Learn more…

Moore Options for Seniors

We offer an array of creative programs to help seniors remain in a home environment for as long as possible. We provide in-home personal care and innovative alternatives to nursing homes that are significantly more affordable. Learn more…

Creating Opportunities for a Good Life!

girl-doing-craftsBased in Manchester, New Hampshire, The Moore Center is a state and regional innovator with more than 50 years of experience in helping people become productive, fulfilled members of the community.

Working closely with each individual, The Moore Center identifies unique needs and creates individualized programs to enhance that person’s quality of life and that of the community as a whole. We are an award-winning leader recognized for providing high quality, cost-effective services with a personal, caring touch to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities and acquired brain injuries, as well as services to children and senior citizens and training for the human services workforce.

Compassion, commitment and community provide the foundation for all of The Moore Center’s initiatives and inspire our primary goal: Creating opportunities for a good life.


Meet some of the families we serve: 

Our Mission, Vision and Values:


The Moore Center serves people with intellectual, developmental and personal challenges by creating opportunities for a good life.


We envision a day when all people, despite their challenges, are fully engaged in their communities and living a good life.


Honesty: We deal with each other in an open and sincere manner. 
Integrity: We act in a manner consistent with our words and beliefs, always honoring our commitments. 
Respect: We treat one another with kindness, courtesy, dignity and empathy. 
Diversity: We value and respect differences among all individuals. 
Accountability: We take fiscal and programmatic responsibility for our own words and actions. 
Innovation: We foster and encourage creativity in facilitating options.  

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Interview with Jen Meyer, Director of The Moore Center’s Community-Based Services program. 

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Bureau of Developmental Services (BDS)
Update: Medicaid Coverage and Continuous Enrollment
For Legislators

What is an Area Agency?

For Legislators

Suzanne Gaetjens-Oleson: Open Homes and Open Hearts Needed